Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Writer's Block; Backlog - Sept. 24

So I'm trying to come up with my next blog for my "Weekends" beat and I have no clue what to write about. I mean, gah, I could write about last weekend but all I did was go to a small town festival full of politicians and strollers... I hate strollers by the way... their respective drivers always seem to find my ankles... grrrrr.

This blog is technically supposed to be written in an editorial/newsy/catchy way. This is not a problem for me any other time. It seems that blogging for a grade has turned my creative blogger machine off. Le sigh.

All I know is I better come up with something soon or I face the wrath of my editor. Not my number one choice.
HELP! I need my muses back!! Please?!

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